Pet Introductions

The Saskatoon SPCA understands the importance of finding a pet that fits well with your family. While our adoption counselors offer valuable insights into the character of our dogs and cats as observed in the shelter, it's crucial to remember that these profiles may not fully predict how a pet will behave in a home setting.


Behaviour in Different Environments

A pet's behavior in a shelter environment can differ significantly from their behavior at home. Homes have unique resources and routines that aren't present in shelters, which can influence how a pet acts. For example, a pet's reaction to other dogs, cats, or children in a shelter setting might not be the same at home due to different circumstances and past experiences.


Variability in Interactions

Even when pets meet other animals or children at the shelter, these introductions might not give a complete picture of future interactions. A dog sniffing a still cat doesn't predict what will happen if the cat runs. Similarly, a pet's behavior during introductions can be influenced by barriers, novelty, or previous experiences.


Avoiding Generalizations

Because of these variabilities, making broad generalizations about a pet’s compatibility with other pets or children is risky. Therefore, while we might perform shelter introductions to gather additional information, these should not be solely relied upon for determining compatibility.


Supporting Adopters

To ensure a smooth transition, the Saskatoon SPCA provides adopters with management tips for the first few months. These tips help facilitate, supervise, and monitor interactions among resident pets and children with the new pet, promoting a successful and harmonious integration.

We are here to support you throughout the adoption process, ensuring that both you and your new furry friend have the best possible start together!


Alternatives to Surrendering Your Pet