Behavior Counseling Services for Dogs

At the Saskatoon SPCA, we understand that every dog is unique, with their own set of behaviors and challenges. That’s why we offer personalized behavior counseling services tailored to meet the specific needs of your canine companion. Whether your dog needs help with basic manners or is dealing with more complex behavioral issues, our team of certified professionals is here to help.

Expert Guidance from Certified Professionals

Our behavior counseling services are led by a team of certified professional dog trainers and a Certified Behavior Consultant. With years of experience and a deep understanding of canine behavior, our experts provide the guidance and support you need to address a wide range of issues, from obedience training to anxiety, aggression, and more.

A Commitment to Positive Reinforcement

At the Saskatoon SPCA, we use scientifically backed, positive reinforcement methods to encourage desirable behaviors while ensuring your dog feels safe and supported. Our approach not only helps correct unwanted behaviors but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

Personalized One-on-One Training

We believe in the power of personalized training. Our one-on-one sessions are designed to focus on your dog’s unique needs, ensuring that they receive the attention and care necessary to thrive. Whether your dog needs help with:

Basic Obedience and Manners

Sit, stay, come, and leash walking are just a few of the essential skills we can help your dog master.

Behavioural Issues

From anxiety and fearfulness to aggression and reactivity, we work on addressing the root causes of challenging behaviors.

Complex Challenges

Our certified Behavior Consultant is equipped to handle more intricate issues, providing solutions that are both effective and humane.

Behavioural Counselling Appointments

Initial Assessment

Our behavior counseling begins with a thorough 90-minute Initial Assessment, priced at $150. During this session, our certified professionals will evaluate your dog's behavior, identify underlying issues, and develop a customized training plan tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

Complex Follow Up

For dogs requiring ongoing support with more challenging behavioral issues, we offer a 60-minute Complex Follow-Up session for $100. This session provides in-depth guidance and reinforcement to help your dog continue progressing toward better behavior.

Simple Follow Up

If your dog is on track but needs a quick check-in or reinforcement of previous training, our 30-minute Simple Follow-Up session is available for $60. This option is perfect for maintaining and fine-tuning your dog’s progress.

How to Get Started

If you’re ready to start making positive changes in your dog’s behavior, we’re here to help. Fill out our Intake Assessment and contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and learn more about how our behavior counseling services can benefit your dog. Together, we can help your canine companion become a well-mannered and happy member of your family.